There are two kinds of people in this world: Those who use themselves to benefit others and those who use others to benefit themselves.
When you envision your future, how do you plan to get to where you want to be? Many people plan to achieve their goals by first looking to see who can help them, rather than who they can help. Anne Frank profoundly said, “No one has ever become poor by giving”. When you are inwardly focused, thinking solely about who can serve you, it’s likely that you become trapped in a detrimental mindset that leads to destructive thoughts and actions.
When you make the choice to be the person who uses themselves to benefit others, you can create a chain reaction that extends far beyond your own reach. In doing so, you will most likely begin to notice the benefits that you, yourself will gain, by simply giving. Even if those benefits are not completely tangible, the worst case scenario is that you created a connection with another person and impacted their life to some degree. Not so bad, is it?
Ask yourself: Which type of person am I and which one do I want to be? What can I do right now to benefit someone else?