On July 7, 2019 the United States Women’s National Team (USWNT) won the 2019 Fifa Women’s World Cup marking a pivotal event in history. Before 2019, the USWNT won 3 world cups in 1991, 1999, and 2015 and every World Cup tournament they didn’t win, they played in the semi-finals or beyond. Having grown up as an athlete, I played multiple sports but, for some reason, soccer was never one I was interested in. I watched a couple of games during the 2015 World Cup to cheer on the USA, but certainly didn’t have any interest in scheduling my day around the televised games… Not until this year, when I heard that the USA won 13-0 in their first match against Thailand - I knew I had better make the time to watch this team as they were on the brink of something incredible.
Game after game the USWNT shut out their opponents, and only after the final whistles blew, did I notice the players’ showing physical exhaustion. It was in that moment that I realized this team had a lot more to teach me than just how exciting a soccer match can be.
Overnight success does not exist. These players have been playing the game they love since childhood. With many of the athletes being in their 30s, that is a substantial amount of life to devote to their craft. Many USA and FIFA fans around the world watched and celebrated the USWNT’s win. What they didn’t watch were the hours of training, rehabbing, recovering, planning, strategizing, traveling, and practice - each player, coach, and staff member put in years before joining the team and journeying to victory. In order for each of the athletes, coaches, and staff to achieve the remarkable feat, they had to make several sacrifices and work incredibly hard. Just think about the basics of the game- running back and forth across a 100+ yard long and 50+ yard-wide-field (for 90 minutes straight, only one 15 min break in the middle), having to sprint and jog repeatedly, having to be agile and aggressive, to pass, defend, steal, and shoot a ball only with their feet… and it’s not enough to simply do the aforementioned, but they had to consistently be the best at each of those tasks.
What was done in private was ultimately celebrated in public. What the world saw would not have been possible without the consistent grind behind the scenes.
Don’t just play for a reward, play for something greater. While watching interviews and reading articles about the USWNT and NWSL, I came to know a bit more about the professional soccer league and the women who play in it. To see and hear about the minimum and maximum salaries paid to athletes in the NWSL (as compared to other sports - male and female) was shocking at first and then inspiring. It was inspiring because it’s abundantly clear that these women do not play to earn millions, for the fame, or the accolades but for the love of the sport, to change its trajectory, and to inspire the next generations. Money, awards, and recognition will come and go and will only bring temporary happiness. Working hard everyday to do what you love, making an impact, and leaving a legacy are much more fulfilling and long-lasting. Having a mission and a reason for your work will motivate and drive you far beyond the drive for money or fame.
Adversity is inevitable. After hearing and reading about some of the players’ stories, I came to learn that most, if not all of the women have faced great adversity in their soccer careers. From injuries to being cut from the team to personal tragedies, this group had to overcome substantial obstacles in order to pursue and enjoy their triumph. Adversity is inevitable and it can either crush you or strengthen you.
You can decide what to believe, do, and think when hardship is thrust upon you. To be able to push through adversity, seek growth, and overcome odds is what truly makes a champion.
Soccer players are tough. I remember a conversation I had with a soccer player friend in high school who said, “soccer players are way tougher than any other athletes…” I was slightly offended because I believed that my basketball team was just as tough, if not more... After watching the World Cup, I finally understood what she meant. They are tough and vulnerable, rugged, strong, limber, resilient, daring and different…
It’s been over a month since the USWNT won the World Cup and much of the hype has subsided, but these lessons are applicable for anyone who has a goal or dream ahead of them. Practice, practice, practice, vision and reason, patience, teamwork, fulfillment, determination, sacrifice, and challenge are all necessary to accomplish any great feat.
Are you willing to do what it takes?