Wanna Be Wealthy? Get Healthy!

In our society today, it seems that most people are striving for wealth, but in the meantime, they neglect their health. I’d like to suggest that true wealth is actually optimal health - mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual - because without it, we are only left with meaningless stuff. Health is wealth.

In the midst of a growing (mental) health crisis in America and other Western nations I encourage you to take the time this month to reevaluate what you are striving for and perhaps replace or add "Optimal Health" to the top of your list. We each have our own definition of “optimal health”, and I can almost guarantee that if you can define, seek, and pursue that, your life will begin to fill with the real wealth you ultimately desire. Take a look at all aspects of health, and seek the help you need to achieve your goals- whether that’s from a coach, trainer, nutritionist, spiritual guide, mentor, and/or other expert.

If you were to strive for optimal health, what exactly would that look like, feel like, and be like for you? Find a friend or loved one who will join you in this new endeavor, ‘cause community boosts your health tremendously and allows for accountability… and just like that, step one = complete.