4 Tips to Instantly Transform Your Emotional State

Change your physiology.  If you’re ever feeling down, nervous, or insecure, the easiest way to change your state is by changing your body’s positioning. To do this, roll your shoulders back, stand tall, and smile with your teeth. Dance to fun, up beat music, or move your body in a way that makes you feel strong and empowered.

Eradicate negative self talk. Immediately counter negative thoughts with ones that are true and positive. For example: “I look so fat” becomes “my body is capable of incredible things and I have a strong frame that can get me from point A to B!”

Visualize a positive memory. It’s hard to be sad when think of a time when you laughed so hard you almost had an accident, or a time when you were so confident that you may have even surprised yourself. Try by closing your eyes and thinking of a positive memory, feel what you felt at that time, see all that you saw, hear everything you heard, and remember the goodness that surrounded you.

Practice gratitude. Our focus becomes our reality. Focus on everything you are grateful for. Place your hand on your heart and name people, places, and things that you are grateful for, or you can write them down in a journal and do this periodically so that you can keep track of your lists as time goes on. And yes, it’s as easy as that.