
Calibration: The action of carefully assessing

About 95% of our brain's daily activities are habitual and non-conscious. Which means only ~5% of our daily activities are determined by the conscious mind. So basically, we're mostly running on auto-pilot.

It may have looked like I forgot to post in a while, but I was actually just (re)calibrating. Every once in a while, it's important to (re)assess the different areas of our lives to make sure that our behaviors, thought patterns, goals, relationships, etc. are in alignment with an objective truth, with our values and what we're ultimately seeking. Especially, when our brains have been wired and our minds programmed to run on auto-pilot. When we reassess, it helps us to become conscious of what programs are working for us and which ones are slyly working against us. Sometimes you'll find that a particular habit is actually moving you further away from what you want or that a set of thoughts associated with one area of your life needs to be copied and pasted into another area to produce similar results. Maybe you'll find that you've begun to believe something that is objectively false, or that the one area of your life you've given a lot of attention to has yielded some great benefits, but now it's time to broaden or shift your focus toward something else.

Whatever you end up finding is fantastic information! That information is just telling you, "you are here." It's neither positive nor negative, it's simply information. Now, what you do with that information is the key to arriving at that place you want to be. Do you dwell on it and beat yourself up? Maybe you have a "chat" with yourself which sounds much more like a berating than a conversation. Do you succumb to the idea that this is "who you are" and you can't do anything about it? Do you compare it to other people and get down on yourself for not measuring up and not being on "their level"? Do you compare it to who you want to become or where you want to be and make simple shifts to get you back on track? Do you pray about it and ask God to help you in the areas that you fall short? Do you blame people around you or your upbringing for making you "this way"? Do you look at the goal and decide that it's not the reality that needs to change, it's the expectation - or visa versa? 

I'll venture to say most of us have done almost all of the above, at some point or another. But what we repeatedly do with this information is the key to both the journey and the destination.

Question for self-reflection: When was the last time you calibrated your life?