If you're curious as to why I didn't put out any blog or social media content in support of Mental Health Awareness Month, keep reading... If you’re not curious, well, maybe keep reading anyway…
As April came to an end, I was reminded that May is Mental Health Awareness Month and I began thinking "people will probably expect me to promote and comment on this topic. I should probably post or write about it…" Although I do advocate for (mental) health and believe very strongly in its importance, before I could even begin thinking about what I'd write or post, I felt intense incongruence and decided against it. My writing would've been fueled by "shoulds" and calculation rather than by "wants" and sincere care. I made this decision because choosing anything else would've been disingenuous - and I'm not about that life. 🙂
I know I'm not the only one who has experienced this feeling. How many of you, over the past year or so have felt that you "should(n't)" comment, promote, or post on any particular topic? How many of you did(n't) it anyway, even when it felt incongruent?
This month, I decided to honor myself and my own mental health by making that one, tiny decision to not post something out of perceived obligation. You might be thinking, "that sounds a little dramatic. Steph, how did you 'honor' your mental health by doing that?". I know it might sound silly, but this is important -- because as humans, we sometimes find that in a split-second decision, we've undermined or compromised our own beliefs and values - which can then turn into a repeated pattern where we seek the approval or validation of others rather than honoring our true selves.
So, this May turned into My Mental Health Month where I became even more aware and acquainted with myself, thus enhancing my own mental health.
Here's how I did it...
Anytime I felt resistance or hesitation, I questioned why and what I was really resisting or afraid of
I moved my body 23/31 days with intention and purpose
I nourished my mind and body with healthy foods, supplements, various reads, and learning
I explored nature instead of social media
I purposefully practiced being present and thankful for the moment
I realized boundaries and limitations, and pushed a little further than was comfortable to promote growth when needed
I made new friends, danced, celebrated, and spent quality time with people I love
I focused on serving others and diving deeper into my spiritual practice
I was honest with myself
I let myself be human
My challenge to you is...
Identify the areas of your life where you tend to allow a little compromise and undermining to slip by.
Notice how you would feel and what your life would look like if instead, you honored yourself and your values in those moments.
Take this month of June to create your own mental health (awareness) month
Enjoy this one and only life 😍
Reflection Question: Where in my life have I been compromising and why?