Make 2021 The Best Year Yet!

Every new year we get excited to begin again, to start anew... new year, new me, right? We anticipate the new year being one that will bring us happiness, success, and all the things we wish for. We expect the new year to solve our problems. We set big goals, resolutions, and we're certain "this will be the year" when things change. And never has this been more apparent than the transition from 2020 to 2021.

We all know 2020 was an extremely...different...year to say the least. Life became more challenging than usual for many people and it provided several opportunities for personal growth and evolution, and improvement of personal health - mental, emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual as well. Last year there was a lot of hurt, deception, hate, and confusion. But there was also a great deal of joy, truth, love, and clarity. I heard countless people saying things like "this year sucks", "2020 is a disaster", "what else could go wrong?", "I can't wait 'til next year when this is over", etc. And although there were many struggles, circumstances that were highly unfavorable, events and plans that went sideways, I find it quite disconsolate to label an entire 365 days as a collective "nightmare", "disaster", or some form of "horrible". There were some hours, days, and weeks that felt like a total nightmare, but even so, there was much more to 2020. It's important to recognize both the beauty and the beast that inhabited the year.

Often times when we experience challenges or adversity of some kind, we write it off as something detrimental that happened to us and we tend to forget the power we have to overcome those sorts of situations and to create something beautiful from the rubble and struggle. My heart breaks a little when I hear people talk about how they hope "the government", "the new year", "the scientists", or whoever will finally make it possible for them to be happy. The reason is that what I'm really hearing is people outsourcing their hope, joy, and wellbeing. When in reality, all of those things are an inside job. We often do need the help of experts, lawmakers, friends, mentors, communities, etc. to enhance our ability to create and experience the aforementioned (that's why I do what I do!!), but it’s disempowering to rely on other people to create our lives for us.

When the new year rolls around, we expect it to dissolve our problems. But what would happen if we looked at every month, week, day, or hour as a chance to start anew? What would happen if we solved our own problems, if we created unity and peace, if we allowed for true diversity of people and ideas... What if we had the power to change our own lives and help others?! The good news is, we do and we always have (especially in the United States).

So, friends, make your life your own. It is what you make it. No matter the circumstances, know that you can!

You have the power to change your story, change your life, and positively impact the lives of others.

In 2020, I chose to focus on my spheres of influence, improving my wellbeing, enhancing my work ethic, and doing a lot of work on myself and I intend to continue in 2021. If you desire to grow, learn, and create a joyful and impactful life, you'll know it is a sometimes painful, always rewarding, never-ending process.

My sincere hope and wish for you this year is that you realize how powerful and resilient you truly are and that you utilize the tools available to make this year what you want it to be.


Reflection Question: On December 31, 2021, what do you want to think, feel, and say about the year 2021? When you look back on the previous 365 days, what do you want to be grateful for, want to acknowledge yourself for, and want to be proud of?